Thomas Williams
Your Go-To Source
Please, America, lead yourselves out of this US government hell on earth way of life.
I have not forgotten your lies New World Order.
The truth has a ring to it in a quality conversation.
Too Much Too Little Too Late
How to defeat the West without using Nukes?
Yeah, that's a good idea creating a protracted war with two nuclear giants, Russia and China.
Something's wrong, who bought up 800 stockmarket points?
Joe Biden and Woke Democrats are a flop
Hello guys, how do you like Justin Trudeau?
You need to elect better people in 2022 to fix what the Washington DC establishment broke.
Victor Davis Hanson was just reminding me of that in this video.
Political Birds of a feather.
Do you have a true friend too?
Fight for your Free Speech, ladies and gentlemen.
Were you surprised to see the Canadian police hurting the Truckers Freedom Protest members?
They sold you out, so do it yourself.
We have already lost to China because you were sold out, America.
I will never forgive them, never.
Help the Canadian truckers ride to freedom, America. Freedom!!!
I don't buy China products at all, ladies and gentlemen.