
Thomas Williams - Google is censoring anyone talking critically of the Wuhan China virus vaccine, killing so many people around the world. Staying faithful to this country's US Government's political power structure to control what the American people read, see, and hear about the information people look for to be well informed.
Speaking truth to power doesn't exist with today's Media members pretending to be journalists working in America, and, are nothing but more of the same political corruption infecting this country's three branches of government checks and balances.
"Code of Ethics of the Media Council"
1 - The public has the right to know the truth. Therefore journalists have a duty to report the truth either as representing objective reality or representing what the source says fairly, accurately and objectively.
2 - Newspaper headlines should be fully warranted by the contents of the articles they accompany. Photographs and telecasts should give an accurate picture of an event and not highlight an incident out of context.
3 - Journalists should respect the confidentiality of sources to whom they have pledged anonymity.
4 - Only fair methods should be used to obtain news, photographs and documents except where overriding public interest justifies the use of other means.
5 - Journalists should regard as grave professional offence, the acceptance of bribes in any form in consideration of either dissemination or suppression of information.
6 - Journalists shall rectify promptly any harmful inaccuracies, ensure that correction and apologies receive due prominence and afford the right of reply to persons criticised when the issue is of sufficient importance.
7 - Journalists shall be aware of the danger of discrimination being furthered by the media, and shall do the utmost to avoid facilitating such discrimination based on among other things, race, sex, religious, political or other opinions of national or social origins.
8 - Secondary employment, political involvement, holding public office, and service in community organisations should be avoided if it compromises the integrity of journalists and their employers. Journalists and their employers should conduct their personal lives in a manner that protects them from conflict of interest, real or apparent. Their responsibilities to the public are paramount.
9 - Plagiarism is dishonest and unacceptable.
10 - Journalists must respect the moral and cultural values of the Zambian society. Journalists should respect people's privacy unless when public interest demands otherwise.