Deanna Rashell II - Facebook
Look at all of these products that the FDA approved and these companies, Johnson & Johnson in this case, pushed out to the world with beautiful commercials and print ads saying how safe and effective they were.
How many people died from these products or have permanent body damage? How many billions have they’ve been ordered to pay in lawsuits? Do we think these companies have just suddenly changed?

VISIONTIMES.COM Johnson & Johnson’s Long History of Lawsuits: Product Defects, Misleading Advertising, and Fatal Outcomes - Vision Times https://www.visiontimes.com/2021/06/10/johnson-and-johnson-lawsuits-us.html?fbclid=IwAR2Cd_E7UP6ReUhkOiV1aJR3kxsf8hTJKuVIHvKsCpeua_sa5gnQNQw5O9s
Yes, yes, yes! If only the American people would stick together, pulling in the same direction, and how safety issues could be handled better in real-time. Many of Corporate America's members don't care, chasing wealth and power most of the time. Maybe one day they will be held accountable and obey the laws too.