Thomas Williams - This countries FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ, have been lying to us, hiding the truth for a very long time. That they are compromise by political corruption also.
We cannot believe them at all until we replace every single one of them in this US Government's 3 branches of checks and balances.

Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?
October 1, 2021by Patrick J. Buchanan
Listening to Wray, one came away with the impression that right-wing terrorism was our foremost internal security issue, that the Jan. 6 riot was a manifestation of that terrorism, and that white supremacists top the list of dangerous enemies inside our own country.
“Unfortunately, Jan. 6 was not an isolated event,” warned FBI Director Christopher Wray last winter:
“The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now, and it’s not going away anytime soon.”