SATURDAYDOWNSOUTH.COM Florida State responds to New York Times story on academic fraud involving football players
Thomas Williams
Our hypocritical American society has always been the reality of our daily routine where we are living today. That this New York Times article about the Florida State football program's economic interest is such a boom to Tallahassee Florida that they don't want to rock that money boat at all, is no surprise.
That the cloud of hypocritical law enforcement from the Tallahassee Police Department with the Florida State football players is no surprise to know one living in that part of Florida.
Likewise, our carnal knowledge of how our American society does keeps running along hypocritically every day in our lives in America and has always been moving along like that ever since I can remember. When have we ever felt like that our country was not corrupted by the people with the most money, power, or political clout, never right? Those evil people are everywhere.
That our Federal and State Government community leaders who keep living like hypocrites are our reality and no surprise to us at all, are they.
The American people are living such a hypocritical lifestyle that they can become very frightened at the drop of a hat. And are very close to becoming hysterical who can easily turn into a crazy mob looking to hurt and harm someone else. Blaming anyone but themselves. The American people are the number one complaint in my life today. Much more so then-President Barack Obama could ever be. I mean Barack Obama is an openly sneaky politician so the everyday American people are a much bigger hypocrite than Obama could ever be. And they the American people are a mob of hypocritical frightened people willing to do anything just as long as they can get away with living just like they have been.
No wonder that a good friend is so hard to find. If we are lucky enough to find one or two good friends we are doing well. And no wonder that our American society is such a terrible mess.
Tell me if you can justify why do the American people who have worked very hard and went through college and business go on to just keep living like hypocrites? Why did they give up their own free will to become conditioned to behaving as the television tells them to? And to keep blaming someone else instead of taking care of their own business honestly and fairly on their own. How in the world did the American people allow themselves to live like the biggest hypocrite in the world?
This American society has become nothing but a Show, and that joke is on us. And it would take a God to love some of these American people because I truly cannot. Too many of those American people are just too evil and repulsive for me to love.
I said this back in 2014 after reading this story ...