Johnn Hunsbarger is with Rose Bodkruf. Facebook ·
You know a storm cloud is brewing 100 million strong. American's want their country back, with its old-fashioned values & morals.
God bless America
Thomas Williams - Real friendship is hard to find because the right feeling seems so evasive with the people around us these days. What should be easy has turned so complicated that I rather not bother, and how the right feeling is everything to me. So, good luck, everyone.
George W. Bush is drawing another line in the political sand, daring Donald Trump to cross over.
Yes, this 2020 midterm election of the candidates hoping to occupy this country's separation of power in the three branches of checks and balances government election is starting to gear up as 2016 did. The Bush Family Republican influences of the Republican party against Donald Trump entering into their political neighborhood. We have learned all about this Bush Family snobbish entitlement attitude who don't want the people that voted for Donald Trump in their circle of friends, much less running this country's US government.

This Girl singer eats up men like popcorn, so I am glad not to be chosen by her.
Liz Cheney’s Re-Election Bid Pits Trump Against Bush George W. Bush to hold fundraiser for Wyoming congresswoman who has sparred with Donald Trump

Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming, earlier this year. PHOTO: ANDREW HARNIK/ASSOCIATED PRESS
By Michael C. Bender and Kristina Peterson Sept. 22, 2021 5:30 am ET
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