You know what the deal is in the political atmosphere around 2022. All domestic, economical, and law enforcement issues are falling into your lap to try and fix. Your family's present and future health will Depend on your decision.
Evil has spread throughout this country US government, and media for the worst of times.
And how beating back evil feels like the best of times, having the opportunity of feeling the blessed rare moment of voting together in the same direction for the good of one another in our country. What feels better than God's true friendship helping us have the opportunity to be saved and live that way with you and me.
Following each other supporting Donald Trump. Who is pushing back the evil running the US government and liberal media. People are trying to hurt him, hurting people who support him, stopping who fight against polituical corruption, harming the best of us. And how do you like the "document hook's case" perpetrated by the FBI against innocent people? With the help of the liberal media, deceitfully project the bad behavior of the 2022 FBI on you and me. And how I feel unified with you fighting this evil.
I don't believe the American people legally elected Joe perv as the 46 President of the United States because the American people are better than that. The US Government's political establishment members stole that election by stuffing the ballot box with mail-in illegal votes.