Thomas Williams - Can you also see the evil in the CEO of MSNBC Phil Griffin's smile?
Now I understand that MSNBC gonna hire White House press secretary Jen Psaki in May. Because she is so honest!?
How many lies has she told to you and me by repeating the lies out of this Joe Biden's Administration White House?
The person who is responsible for running MSNBC Networks TV broadcast the way they do to you and me about the Democratic Party's progressive narrative. Seems to be deliberately delighted to keep upsetting the rest of America's people?
So I am wondering do these MSNBC TV Network owners who hire the CEO to produce that kind of evil scrip have a political profile they keep going back to over and over again?
Does the word evil do Justice to these creeps hurting innocent people? Or are they just feeding that kind of perverted pleasure to the people wanting to hurt traditional people for TV ratings' sake pleasing 3% of this country's population living that way?
3% of 300 million people are 9 million, the reason for MSNBC's evil broadcasting with a political cause.
Comcast owns MSNBC Universal News Group. Comcast's owner is Brian L. Roberts 1% equity interest and 33% voting power.
Brian L. Roberts