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What was the Ukraine government doing that made Russia invade?

Writer's picture: Thomas WilliamsThomas Williams

As Putin Threatens Nuclear Weapons Use, What’s Next in the Ukraine War? | WSJ


Was nato threatening Russia?


Bio-weapons labs?


Ukraine is the hotbed of all eastern European crime


Bioweapons labs located under Chernobyl.

As well as child sex trafficking. It was horrible! Taiwan is just as bad with child trafficking. They're coming next!


Chip Potter JennyandBilly Case I forgot that part!


There were at least three factors:

1. Multiple broken promises over the years culminating in Ukraine being allowed into NATO which was a MAJOR broken promise and could not be allowed as we had promised during negotiations that this would never happen.

2. We had biolabs (7 it turns out) exactly like Russia said we did. And these were war use bioweapons labs. Imagine if Cuba had biolabs for the Soviet Union and were working on deployable toxins that could kill millions and then lied, and lied, and lied about it every time asked and we KNEW they were lying...

3. Ukraine is and was being led by and had also harbored multiple Nazi party affiliated groups in both military and civilian quarters EXACTLY as Russia had said in their press conference early in the War. Plus, (relative to teh led by) Zelenskyy is an installed President much like Biden was as the USA and the EU went into Ukraine, forced and caused in many ways the removal of the previous President and then in a contentious election installed a plant that would be VERY helpful to "the West" and especially the faction that Biden is a part of . This is why we hear so often that Zelenskyy is a Soros plant. He is.

Lesser reasons:

Ukraine worked over the years several times to either frame Russia for doing bad things and at worst even appears to have at least twice tried to end Putin himself via an fairly complex operation involving commandos, locking down his aircraft, and chasing he and others through the countryside... This was reported on in the Russian press and Putin was interviewed in a great 2-3 hour long press interview a couple years ago.

The second time was what appears to be an attempt to shoot down his jet. Though this is not very well documented and could certainly be BS... considering other things Ukraine has been involved with and their hatred of Russia...not a shock.

And, last I will list here are the set of regions that are about to take the vote to leave Ukraine and join Russia. These areas of the Ukraine have tons and tons of Russian folks living there that have wanted to go to Russia and leave their corrupt country for a long time. This is a situation much like the Crimea. We are likely seeing the "endgame" playing out now as those referendums are coming to vote on this... likely why Putin has activated the active reserves in Russia. He likely expects Ukraine to fight having 4 areas leave (think 4 states in the SW all decide to go back to Mexico one day... except in this case the people in those 4 states really are mostly Mexicans that haven't been super happy about being in the USA since the day they become states...)

There is more to this...

Lots more ... but that is the short list.

Ukraine is not the good guys.

The USA is not the good guys.

We were doing very bad things there.

And, in short and simple, we broke a major promise to Russia and at this point Russia said Трахни тебя! and decided to not just blow it off and take their lumps.

Plus, Putin knows we and nearly the entire West are a literal existential threat to both his country and to his country's culture. And this is also true.

See what Biden and his faction have done to the USA and the West in general over the last 30 years or so ... That is what they would do to Russia.

Putin is strong Russian Orthodox religion. He doesn't want LGBTQZ++. He doesn't want to be manipulated via control files and blackmail. HE WANTS TO DO THAT! jajaja...

Putin isn't really a "good guy" so to speak.

But, he is the only one really trying to fight these people. Sadly, the USA is sending BILLIONS and BILLIONS of our money over there to help fight Russia. WE ARE HELPING TO FIGHT THE ONE GUY ACTUALLY FIGHTING TO STOP OUR ENEMIES...

I am not happy for the people in the Ukraine that are caught in the crossfire. It's not their fault their leaders are evil and are backed by countries and other leaders that are evil (like the USA).

But, it is what it is.





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