I cannot tap you on top of your head and give you a path into paradise because you must choose that task using your own free will.
Being curious about walking towards the edge of paradise looking for another world of physics, we have yet to learn about living here on earth.
I was having my bladder scopes while sleeping under the influence of anesthesia on an operating table. I saw a bright light that was too hard to see inside unless you go into it where everything would become very clear while understanding that we might not ever return using our own free will to enter.
At the edge of this light, a woman voice was giving me a choice " It's time?
Walking close to take me, reaching to take me back into the light, "saying come on, Tommy, it's time."
I said, "No, I don't want to go."
So the woman walked closer, insisting, and saying "Let's go."
I said, "No, I'm not going." When I heard a Nurse shaking me and saying, "Wake up, Mr. Williams."
I'm back on the hospital bed next to the operating table coughing, hearing the nurse telling me to cough, caught up more phlegm, I said, ok, she said, caught again. So I did and felt like I could breathe easier.
I was back on earth because I chose to.