Thomas Williams
Your Go-To Source
Go to Hell, Ole Miss, Go to Hell!!!
She sees the rising of a political Red Wave that will cover America from border to bord
All Americans are not alike in real life.
Thank you, Bob Woodward, for hiring Brian Kelly, Coach LSU.
I hope all American vote for the right reason, pulling together this time.
Those creeps were even secretly tormenting Marilyn Monroe.
Tucker: "AOC is just another stooge as Ukraine shakedowns our cowardly congress,"
She is gone now, but I loved her more than my life.
I know America is better than this,
Voting is the way to fix what was broken.
LSU Football Team gets outclassed by Tennessee
Honesty is still the best policy
Not all LSU Fighting Tiger football fans are snivelling complaining sissies spilling their guts.
This country's US government lies don't work anymore
We are done if the dollar loses stability.
Could it be the past generations were better than now?
Be careful walking around Joe Biden Supporters driving, Ladies and gentlemen.
What was the Ukraine government doing that made Russia invade?
This LSU Tiger is for real.